Broke...:( Collage de canciones...Kate Nash, Snow Patrol, y Paramore...La palabra tiene poder...pero aveces no son suficientes...aveces son todo...lo unico que necesito oir de ti cada dia un TE AMO sincero...:S Kiero un amor vintage....antiguio...original...unico
All I know is that you're so nice
You're the nicest thing I've seen
we could be something? ya fuimos :S
I wish I was your favourite girl
I wish you thought I was the reason you are in the world
I wish my smile was your favourite kind of smile
I wish the way that I dressed was your favourite kind of style
I wish you couldn't figure me out
But you always wanna know what I was about
I wish you'd hold my hand
When I was upset
I wish you'd never forget
The look on my face when we first met
I wish that you loved me
I wish that you needed me
I wish that you knew when I said two sugars,
Actually I meant three
I wish that without me your heart would break
I wish that without me you'd be spending the rest of your nights awake
I wish that without me you couldn't eat
I wish I was the last thing on your mind before you went to sleep
Is it too late to remind you how we were
But not our last days of silence, screaming, blur
You could be happy, I hope you are
You made me happier than I'd been by far
More than anything I want to see you, boy (manu)
Take a glorious bite out of the whole world
You could be happy and I won't know
But you weren't happy the day I watched you go
How can I decide what's right?
When you're clouding up my mind
Can't win your losing fight all the time
Not gonna ever own what's mine
When you're always taking sides
How did we get here?
I use to know you so well
How did we get here?
Well, I think I know
The truth is hiding in your eyes
And its hanging on your tongue
Just boiling in my blood,
But you think that I can't see
What kind of man that you are
If you're a man at all
Well, I will figure this one out on my own
(I'm screaming "I love you so..." But my thoughts you can't decode)
Do you see what we've done?
We're gonna make such fools of ourselves
Do you see what we've done?
We're gonna make such fools of ourselves
How did we get here?
I use to know you so well
How did we get here?
Well, I use to know you so well
I think I know
I think I know
There is something that I see in you
It might kill me I want it to be true
4 comentarios:
Que el amor
se vista de "vintage"
y te pique los ojos
desde los portales.
Págale a mi corredor
y ven a ver mi corazón.
Solo que, por favor
ya no le cambies
el ropaje.
I love that song...escuchate birds esa es muy linda tambien.
amo esa canción
cual amas de las 3 Josseiris?
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